Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why India? Why Miracle Foundation? What made you decide to do this?

Understandable questions. 25 million orphans are living in India—a number equivalent to the population of the entire state of Texas. An estimated 31% of children in India surviving past the age of one will die before the age of five. Children shouldn't have to suffer due to the environment that they were born into. Every child deserves a chance...from the basic needs of survival: food, shelter, health care and a nurturing environment continuing through the chance for education and opportunities.

The Miracle Foundation is local to Austin, transparent and doesn't profit on "voluntoursim". Their low overhead and track record of success means they are truly making a difference.

From a personal perspective, in addition to the impact of making a difference in a child's life, I expect an experience such as this that is outside of my comfort zone to not only be a challenge, but to be a life changing experience.

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